We’re looking for great content in terms of user generated stories and guest-posts featuring Technology. If you are a blogger, experienced technical writer or a developer who is looking to showcase your work and/or share your knowledge, you have reached the right place. If you have a great article to share, come write for us.

All user generated stories and guest-posts are featured with an ‘About the author’ section highlighting your credentials.

We accept articles as Opinions, Tutorials, Reviews, News, Interviews and Analysis – all focused towards Technology. At Javelynn, we take pride in creating a valuable knowledge resource and celebrate sharing.

Below are our full set of guidelines.

Types of articles we publish


As Javelynn focuses towards Technology, an article or guest-post can be related to Cloud, DevOps, Legacy/Emerging Tech, IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Programming, Technology Hardware, Software, Web, etc.


We publish articles of more than 500 words, while we tend to break-down longer stories (2000 words onward) to multiple parts for ease of clarity and readability.

Images & Illustrations

Though we highly recommend authors to submit copyright free illustrations, diagrams or infographics, including images is not mandatory but may influence your article acceptance on Javelynn. For a greatly written content, we may even include our own custom illustration.

Content Tone

Articles may be casual in tone and content—great for less-intensive tutorials and posts—or rigorously structured and edited. We do not consider articles which are spammy in nature or add little value to our readers. We only accept articles which are original and not published anywhere (including your own website). You are however free to publish it on a platform of your choice in case your article is rejected to be featured on Javelynn.

How to submit your article

To write for us and get your article published on Javelynn, you may either approach us with an ‘article-title pitch’ or can directly send us the written content. You may choose to send the article in a Word/PDF document, or through Google Doc.

Once we receive your pitch, our editorial team takes a maximum of 7 working days to take a decision.

All article submission related mails and enquiries should be directed to [email protected].

Come, write for us!